The Redneck Thundershirt

Wow, time is moving fast now that I am back at work! Each day flies by, but I have managed to get in some quality workouts this week. Monday: weightlifting, Tuesday: 3.5 miles before work, Wednesday: cross training and weights, and tomorrow I plan to get up with the sun for another 3.5 miles. I hope my body is feeling it at 5:30!

Now on to what this post is really about: Fi’s tremendous fear of anything loud, specifically guns and thunder. Dbo has been bugging me about getting her a “thundershirt” that is supposed to quell the anxiety associated with thunder and loud noises. Fi has a 6th sense when it comes to storms and will shake for HOURS before the first drop of rain even falls. She has been known to hide in the closet or the bathtub when storms get particularly bad. (Please ignore the messy linen closet. I promise that it does not always look like this)

On a side note, Dbo, Fi, and I all three had to get in the tub once when there was a tornado warning and Fi sat there like a champ until the coast was clear. Thankfully no damage was done to our home, but it was still terrifying! Anyway, my dad, aka Fi’s best-friend-in-the-whole-wide-world, suggested a thundershirt as well. He said the guy who created it (and this is just hear-say) wrapped his dog in a towel and duct taped it to the dog to see if the idea would actually work. Well we decided that was a good start for us too:

Needless to say the rat dog was not a fan. Check out that stink eye! She wiggled out of it and I put one of her winter sweaters on her instead. She seemed a little less anxious wearing the sweater so maybe that will work. The redneck thundertowel, while unsuccessful in the thunder department,  is definitely good for some laughs!

Both dogs also got their teeth brushed for the first time tonight. Furmom of the year? I think so! Bo didn’t handle it too well. He gets super nervous about everything, but Fi handled it like a dentist’s dream and I think she actually enjoyed it! Maybe their rotten breath will be a thing of the past. At least I can tell myself that for a few days!

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